1950 Los Angeles Census Named “Guests” Staying at Dr. Hodel Residence Part II- Captured on the Black Dahlia Bugging Tapes

January 28, 2023
Birch Bay, Washington
This is Part II of the original blog posted on January 27, 2023.
Part I  Here: (https://stevehodel.com/2023/01/28/1950-los-angeles-census-names-guests-staying-at-surgeon-george-hodels-sowden-franklin-house/)

(SKH Note- Karen Smith comes highly recommended for any forensic investigation or expert crime scene testimony and has relocated her business to Los Angeles, California.)
Huge Kudos and thanks to the Eagle Eyes and near-photographic memory of one of my favorite P.I.’s, Karen Smith, retired detective extraordinaire from Jacksonville S.O., Florida, forensic expert, lecturer and fellow U.S. Navy veteran.
Karen caught what I missed and is responsible for adding the below additional information capturing the “guests” interactions at the Sowden House with GHH during the six-week LADA Hodel/Black Dahlia Bugging of the residence.
Karen recalled the name “Chagud” and pointed me to pages 129-130 of the official secret transcripts.  The officers record GHH making calls for Wilma Chagud, the 18-year-old daughter attempting to find her a live-in roommate at the Hodel residence to “share the rent.”
DA Hodel/Black Dahlia Bugging Tapes -March 9, 1950 -Transcript pages 129-130

Complete Electronic DA/LAPD Stakeout transcript and my investigative summary/notes
ORDER HERE (Kindle or Paperback)

SKH Note- We know from my mother’s August 3rd telegram and follow-up letters to her ex-husband, John Huston that same month that she (and we three boys) returned to the house in the summer of 1950. Her communications to John were clearly coming from a place of fear and terror that George would physically harm the four of us. As best I can tell, George Hodel permanently left the country in the summer and fled to the then Territory of Hawaii, where he accepted a job at the Territorial Hospital.


  1. Trent Gobble on January 30, 2023 at 5:19 am

    I’ve went through this cover to cover!!

  2. Luigi Warren on January 30, 2023 at 9:16 am

    Steve: It would be great if the case file were available in a searchable form. Lots of interesting stuff buried in there. For example, based on the phone number GHH recites, I was able to find a series of LA times classified ads for rooms at the Franklin house that starts less than two months after the Dhalia murder. -LW

  3. Steve Hodel on January 30, 2023 at 9:27 am

    I agree. Maybe I will have it converted to a PDF and “make is so.” I’ll check out the process online.

    • Patricia ONeill on January 30, 2023 at 12:22 pm

      The fact that GHH was able to move quite freely both socially & professionally all the while having his (and his family’s) residence bugged by the LAPD indicates to me that perhaps this surveillance was only a “show” of due diligence by the Department’s big wigs! The Chiefs in the LAPD had to make a show of “farce” knowing full well all results would be somehow shuffled to the archives, hidden in cold case files etc.! So many Los Angelo’s citizens entrusted to Law Enforcement’s vigilance left to flounder in a sea of dangers & deaths for so long! 😡🌵

      • Steve Hodel on January 30, 2023 at 12:44 pm

        Patricia O:
        No, I don’t think so based on how it all unfolded.
        We have the 1949 Grand Jury examining all these “unsolved Lone Woman Murders” and hearing that LAPD is operating a protected prostitution ring and that the Black Dahlia murder is going nowhere. So, they recommend that “the Black Dahlia and other recent unsolved murders be taken away from LAPD and turned over to the DA investigators. This was done and has never happened before or after this one time. LAPD was furious and insisted that they be allowed to have a team work with the DA guys.
        Lt. Jemison the one white hat in the ground takes the case runs with it and solves it. He is then shut down by DA Simpson and ordered to turn everything back to Dep. Chief Thad Brown and then removed and silenced. The evidence and recordings are disposed of, but unbeknownst to Chief Brown Lt. Jemison locks away “a second set of books” in the DA vault to be found some 53 years later. That’s how I see it.

        • Patricia ONeill on January 30, 2023 at 5:21 pm

          Steve, clarifying my previous statement(s) I should have said Law Enforcement agencies encompassing all involved in the investigation(s) & outcomes of GHH’s crimes. Yes, there are good cops……I knew and loved the good, the bad, the ugly as a child and young girl…..still do! My unexpected encounter with the shop owner here in Tubac, AZ about 10 years ago (which I related to you) brought all those feelings of confusion, doubt and disbelief smack dab in my face again! Harry Bosch, Crate & Barrel really did and do exist, thank God! ✌️😎🌵

  4. Steven Uanna on February 1, 2023 at 9:28 am

    Steve, your father was involved with different “health services” – those involving the United Nations, Hawaii, California… they seem to have facilitated his globetrotting. Do you know if he was ever employed by or involved with the United States Public Health Service?

  5. Zodiac on February 2, 2023 at 2:21 am

    Have you watched the videos on the YouTube channel “zodiac we called him mr Allen” they are the siblings who as kids spent a lot of time with Allen and they put out very new and compelling evidence like yourself in this case. Atho your evidence is circumstantial and theirs is stronger and more direct evidence. Please watch the videos they may have been taken down due to a contract with Netflix for documentary (videos put out last year) but you can still find the information in their videos on Reddit. For example one piece of evidence is that the cypher mentioned a Connie Henley he was going to kill in New York? Albany? And one of the siblings is named Connie Henley who at the time had run away from Allen who was in love with her to New York with a boyfriend. Please look up the information before it comes out on Netflix or whatever media company is producing it. And let us know your thoughts❤️ I wanted to bring this to your attention because When I heard you saying your father was the zodiac I immediately dismissed you as a crazy loon but after reading your books i relatize your father was likely involved in serial murder but not the zodiac killings as there is strong evidence now pointing to Allen. You may want to look up the evidence and mention it here to get ahead of the documentary coming out and ppl dismissing your other good info based on your erroneous speculation that your father was zodiac. I’m sure after looking up the new evidence these siblings have put out you’ll come to the same conclusion❤️ One link to reddit but I’m sure there’s more info out there in other threads: https://www.reddit.com/r/ZodiacKiller/comments/rs34ei/new_we_called_him_mr_allen_drop_albany_connection/

  6. Joakim on February 3, 2023 at 12:38 pm

    Regarding the famous so called 408 cipher by Zodiac with an unknown bit of code at the end: isn´t the likely explanation that it was some sort of alternative signature (the message seemed to have finished before the last part)? Mysteries of a hazy past.

  7. Yolanda Camacho on February 4, 2023 at 10:28 am

    Steve, our HEALING CIRCLE sends you a cleansing, centering breath and powerful VIBRATIONS for healing! Ancestral HEALING heals the wounds of previous generations and connects us to our foreFATHERS and foreMOTHERS. You have wise and well ancestors in your lineage waiting for you to reach out and connect to them!

    Peace always!

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