Author Alan Bisbort’s Book Review of “The Early Years: The Further Serial Crimes of George Hill Hodel M.D.”

February 8, 2022
Birch Bay, Washington
“A son traces trail of killings by dad

Writer explores how his father
may be nation’s top serial killer”

By Alan Bisbort
Republican-American Newspaper

“If the true-crime genre is your cup of tea, any of Hodel’s several books offers a bracing repast. But these two most recent volumes are the kind where you start out thinking, as you read, “No, no…this can’t be true…it just can’t be…” and you end up thinking, “How in the hell did George Hodel avoid detection all of those years? How did he get away with these things?”
Excerpt from Alan Bisbort’s Book Review
Republican-American newspaper, Feb.1 2022
I received the below book review from Alan Bisbort, author, writer, and editor for the REPUBLICAN-AMERICAN newspaper. Alan’s true-crime book, When You Read This They Will Have Killed Me: The Life and Redemption of Caryl Chessman, Whose Execution Shook America  (Da Capo Press, August 24, 2007) is a meticulously and exceptionally well written documentation of the facts surrounding the arrest and prosecution of the infamous convict, Caryl Chessman.
Here is Alan’s February 1, 2022 review of my just-published two-book set:  The Early Years: The Further Serial Crimes of  George Hill Hodel M.D. (Thoughtprint Press Nov.6, 2021

Thanks Alan, much appreciated. 


  1. Fred Martin on February 10, 2022 at 2:17 pm

    Why do so many writers refer to Elizabeth Short as “an aspiring actress”? Are there any facts that support this alleged aspiration?

    • Steve Hodel on February 10, 2022 at 2:47 pm

      Fred M:
      No. No documentation or support of any kind. Part of the MYTH from the getgo.
      Likely once out in the LA/Hollywood area it was a “come on” line with the men she met.
      “Gosh, your so beautiful, you ought to be in pictures.” That sort of thing. And the PRESS ran with it to make the story more compelling. (Beautiful girl comes East to be in movies and winds up becoming the victim of a horrific torture/murder.)

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