ZODIAC DNA: A 2021 Reexamination of the Evidence: No Confirmed ZODIAC DNA Exists
May 1, 2021
Los Angeles, California

Dr. George Hill Hodel Full DNA Profile Comparison Available and Awaits Discovery of Confirmed Zodiac DNA which to date (May 1, 2021) is Non-Existent
Excerpt from above DNA Summary on Stine Gloves page 12/13:
Steve, Hmm……brings to mind the now famous line from OJ’s trial: “If it does not fit, you must acquit.” And I do remember past descriptions of your father implying (in my memory of past readings) that GHH was not a big burly guy but slim of stature. I also recall you described GHH as a very dapper, classy dresser. Hence the grey leather gloves would fit his persona, especially in San Francisco where many men wore leather gloves. I also remember years ago writing to you about my experience selling fashionable leather gloves in Roos Atkins in my college days to customers and a tight fit was a must with leather glove wearers! Once these pricey gloves get wet, forget the fit👎! Also remember in the Stine case 2 policemen did spot a man walking swiftly away in the area of Stine’s killing in the taxicab.. After so many years & the great developments in DNA identification, surely something more definite can be found inside those gloves?! IMO….something fishy here🤔!!
Patricia O:
Well, in previous BDA/Most Evil publications I always felt that the Stine Gloves should be at the top of the list for potential DNA based on testing that supposedly showed “stranger DNA on the inside of the gloves found in the cab.” But, now, with the new information, it basically removes the gloves from any likely connection. So, Zodiac mailings are now BEST SOURCE.
And, YES, GHH was tall and thin or average weight back in late Sixties. Like 6′ 180 and wore size 7 gloves regularly, which I am informed is an unusual size glove for a man. One glove seller said, “Size 7 would be a man with long slender fingers, like a concert pianist.” (Dad in his youth as we know was a concert pianist.)
……Added remembrance on the Stine murder…. wasn’t one of the SFPD patrolmen who spotted & had a basic description of the man walking away from the area in Presidio Heights where Stine was murdered was himself killed (in the line of duty) months later? Many unanswered questions here! IMO if GHH was the Zodiac, he was aided & abetted by the “powers that be” in San Francisco!!
Patricia O:
Yes, officer Eric Zelms was killed in an unrelated crime just a few months after the Stine murder. Paid tribute to him in Most Evil II. My concern is that some of the officers that KNEW GHH was a serial killer in LA were still on the job in 1969 and hard for me to imagine they didn’t pass on their suspicions.