A Death in the Family-Grandfather Harvey from Black Dahlia Avenger II Chapter 16
July 24, 2020
Los Angeles, California
“Harvey” and Harvey- The Pooka and the Printer
Continuing the “Nothing Is As It Appears” surreal reality of Dr. George Hill Hodel I here present my readers with the eight-page chapter on my maternal grandfather, Charles Eugene Harvey his life and his death. (Published in BDA II 2014 ed.) The facts as presented here bring to mind the tried and true adage, “Timing is everything.”
Chapter 16- Grandfather Harvey
Another well written and fascinating bit of history related to the Black Dahlia saga.
Jess W:
Thanks Jess. Best to you and yours. steve
There is a book scheduled for publication on November 15, 2020:
“Pulling Harvey Out of Her Hat: The Amazing Story of Mary Coyle Chase” by Mimi Pockrous.
Available for pre-order on Amazon.
Karen H:
Cool, thanks for the heads up on this. Should be interesting.
Grandfathers have a way of communicating long after they are gone! 😉🌵
Do you think anyone in your mother’s family found your grandfather’s death suspicious?
Knowing what Dorothy Hodel already knew about GHH, I can’t imagine she wouldn’t have suspected something.
Oh, I’m sure she KNEW or at the very least had to suspect it. But, as a “accomplice” to his OD of Ruth Spaulding she could hardly say anything to anyone and had to have been terrified that he might harm her children and herself. Only thing left for her to do was DRINK.