Fauna Hodel Interview Inside the Sowden/Hodel House: No “Chinatown Scenario” (‘She’s My Daughter/She’s My Sister’); DNA Eliminates Dr. George Hodel as Father of Fauna Hodel- A New Thoughtprint?


May 11, 2019
Los Angeles, Californi



Fauna Hodel birth certificate 
Born in San Francisco on August 1, 1951
Place of Birth- St. Elizabeth’s Infant Hospital, 100 Masonic Avenue, San Francisco
Mother-Tamar Nais Hodel  “Age 16” Female, Single
Father-“Information withheld concerning father” Race -“Negro”

“Ghost Adventures and Black Dahlia House” Excerpted Interview of Steve and Fauna Hodel at Sowden/Franklin House(2015)
Aired January 30, 2016  (3 minutes)


Verbatim transcription of Fauna’s on-air statement:

“I’m Tamar’s firstborn child after the incest trial.  And I was named Fauna Hodel. My birth certificate says that George Hodel picked my name Fauna. * Whatever he did that was evil needs to be really told.
Q:  When did you realize that you were related to Dr. George Hodel?
F: Imagine meeting your birth mom for the first time, and she’s sitting there telling you that her father had been investigated in the Black Dahlia Murder.** So, I was creeped out to say the very least.”
Fauna Hodel
Travel Channel
“Ghost Adventures and BlackDahliaHouse”
Zak Bagans”Inside the Black Dahlia House”
Aired Jan 30, 2016                                            
  • No, George Hodel did not name her Fauna. Her mother named her Fauna with no input from George Hodel, who was living in Hawaii. Tamar selected the name from a poem by Robison Jeffers, just as her father had selected her name “Tamar” from a Jeffers poem.
  • Much has been made and even in this 2015 interview Fauna seems to be suggesting the possibility that George Hodel could have been her father. Not so. Her mother, along with other witnesses present during the sex act and who testified at trial, established the day of intercourse with her father was   “July 1, 1949.  Tamar testified that she only had sexul intercourse with her father that one time.” Fauna was born August 1, 1951.  (That would make it a scientific impossibility as it would require a 25-month gestation period.) Further recent DNA tests have confirmed that George Hodel has been eliminated as the father of Fauna Hodel. Tamar always maintained that Fauna’s biological father was “A White Male Italian in San Francisco.”
**  Note that Fauna in this 2015 interview never claimed that she was told by her mother that her mother believed her grandfather actually killed, “The Black Dahlia” only that” he was investigated as a suspect. “
In truth, Fauna’s mother, Tamar, my half-sister,  had no knowledge of any of the facts or details surrounding the investigation, only that detectives transporting her to the incest trial informed her “they thought George Hodel might have killed Elizabeth “Black Dahlia” Short some three years earlier.”
In the years prior to my publication of Black Dahlia Avenger (2003), Tamar maintained her personal belief that “Our father, George Hodel did not kill the Black Dahlia.”
Tamar stated her belief was based on communication with author Janice Knowlton and her book, “My Daddy was the Black Dahlia Killer.” Janice assured Tamar that “No, it was my daddy named ‘George’ that killed her. I saw him throw the bisected body parts off the pier and then wade out and recover them.”
 Tamar also consulted a friend “a highly respected psychic” in Hawaii,  who told me George Hodel didn’t do it.”
This, of course, all preceded the publication of my book, Black Dahlia Avenger and my investigative findings and linkage and discovery of the Secret DA Hodel Black Dahlia tapes (2003) containing our father’s confessions to multiple murders including the Black Dahlia and his forced overdosing of his personal secretary, Ruth Spaulding. (Investigated by LAPD in 1945)


 We have seen time and time again how George Hodel was fixated on and totally obsessed with NAMES and NAMING.
This was true both in his personal family life and it carried through to his professional life, to his psychopathy as a serial killer. 
I have documented these his naming in earlier books and in blogs through the years. Here are a few reminders:
  1.  “Dorero” for his wife, my mother Dorothy. (Dor, “A gift of” and Eros, “God of Sexual Desire”- “A gift of sexual desire.”
  2. “Tar Baby” his 1937 Black Packard.  A roadside trap. Once a passerby was in it, there was no escape. Used in his multiple kidnappings of Lone Woman Murders.
  3.  “Tamar” – His third child, a daughter,  after a poem on incest, by an esteemed California poet, Robinson Jeffers, then fourteen years later he commits incest with that very child.
  4. “Steven” (myself) to honor Dublin novelist James Joyce who died in 1941, my birth year.  Naming me after the character,  Stephen Dedalus in James Joyce’s novels, A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man and Ulysses.
  5. Using the names of streets signs as “clews” in posing victim’s bodies in his “catch me if you can” taunts.
    (Hollywood, Winthrop, Degnan, Mountain View, Zodiac.)


And now, thanks to another reader, it appears we have been given another name, another potential thoughtprint linking back to my father and his psychopathic thinking.

A few weeks ago, I received the following “comment” from Melissa Sklar, on my blog site. The following investigative research is a direct result of Melissa’s posting. THANKS, MELISSA, have to pin a detective badge and “deputize you” for your astute observation.


As we can see from Tamar’s signature on Fauna’s birth certificate (above) father named her, Tamar Nais Hodel.

A brief examination of the life of Anais Nin reveals the following:

  • She met and fell in love with author Henry Miller in Paris and became both his lover and the editor of his most infamous novel, Tropic of Cancer (Obelisk Press 1934) His book, published in Europe and banned in the U.S, it “became an underground sensation, to the point where people were essentially drug mule-ing copies back home.” (See photo below where that original edition on sale for $12,000.)

  • Both Henry Miller and Man Ray and Anais Nin were closest of friends (Henry and Anais remained lovers) in Hollywood and both Miller and Man Ray were good friends of Dr. George Hill Hodel during and through the 1940s until he fled the country to avoid arrest.
  • Man Ray photo of Anais and Henry Miller
  • Photo of Anais Nin and Henry Miller in California taken in 1947. (Same year as Black Dahlia Murder) Photo taken by MAN RAY.
  • Anais Nin published her own Diaries writing about her incestuous affair with her own father and her sexual exploits.
  • Excerpt from Anais Nin Diary (1939-1944) where she quotes a letter from her then lover, Henry Miller, who informs her is has “just met with Larry Powell Librarian and biographer to Robinson Jeffers and will be meeting Jeffers next week.”
  • Excerpt from the Diary of Anais Nin 1939-1944           Jeffers Bio                   Excerpt from Review of Jeffers “Tamar”

“It has been written that at the time of the publication of “House of Incest,” which took place at around the same time that Anais Nin was having an incestuous relationship with her father, some members of the Nin family who knew about the incestuous relationship were “horrified” to know that Anais Nin was writing a book with this title. They assumed that the book was going to be an expose on the father/daughter incestuous relationship.”  Wikipedia

  •  For the Record, Los Angeles Times article July 28, 2006, by Elaine Woo, The Ranger Who Told All About Anais Nin’s Wild Life. (Fascinating article referencing Anais Nin incestuous affair with her father, and her obtaining an abortion from a pregnancy fathered by Henry Miller and the fact that Lloyd Wright, designer of the Sowden/Hodel residence and architect for George Hodel became “family” to Anais Nin. (Head spinning.) See the attached PDF.  Anais Nin LAT article

Is Tamar’s middle name NAIS a true “thoughtprint”?  Did her father in naming her desire to connect both her first and middle names to the theme of incest?  The evidence presented here would appear to say, YES.

We know without question that her first name was selected by our father after Jeffer’s famous poem on Incest.  We also can be confident that George Hodel knew and was friends with Nin during the California years. He certainly would have been one of the first to read the banned book, Tropic of Cancer in 1934. How could he not be?

We also know as fact that George was close friends to both Henry Miller and Man Ray.  They made regular visits to the Sowden/Franklin Hodel House and according to my mother, they made regular visits to Big Sur. Man Ray was our family photographer.

Tropic of Cancer, written by Miller and edited by his lover, Anais Nin was born and published just months before the birth of Tamar Hodel in 1935.

As a P.S. on Henry Miller for those who have not read or seen him referenced in my books, I here reproduce an excerpt on Miller from BDA III:

Henry Miller: Novelist, friend to GHH and Man Ray. His novels, Tropic of Cancer, Black Spring, and Tropic of Capricorn were banned in the US for several decades on the grounds of obscenity and being “too sexually explicit.” We recall in an earlier chapter of BDA II my mention of Miller’s privately printed book, The World of Sex (NY 1940) where he writes,

“…I would recommend them [men] to have intercourse with animals or to fuck in public.”

“There is nothing in itself which is wrong or evil, not even murder. …”

“Some females ought to be raped to death and left lying on the spot for all to see.”

And here is a recent online discovery of a Henry Miller artwork that would suggest that his proof is in his painting as relates to “having intercourse with animals.” Possibly it is a self-portrait with the aging artist “looking on”? (We should cut the artist some slack for not “joining in” after all he would have been seventy-six at the time of the drawing.) Painting appears to depict a kangaroo getting his goat.

Original Henry Miller Watercolor painting SIGNED and dated 8/67 by Miller.
Asking Sale Price $7500.00 (as of July 27, 1998)

SKH Author’s Closing Thought: 

I think we have established a fairly strong circumstantial case that my father did likely name my half-sister Tamar Nais after two writers direct connections with INCEST.  I only remain slightly skeptical because he did not use her actual name- Anais. (But, again, that may have been too obvious and we all know just how subtle George “Keep Em’ Guessing”  Hodel loved to be.

That said, there remains a second possibility ( a separate possible thoughprint) that just might have been the source of the name. Here it is.


Merriam Webster Definition of nais. 1 plural naises\ -​sə̇z\ or naides\ ˈnāəˌdēz\ : a river nymph : naiad. 2 capitalized [ New Latin, from Latin, naiad ] : a large genus of small aquatic oligochaete worms that is the type of the family Naididae.

We are familiar with George Hodel’s encyclopedic familiarity and love for Greek Mythology.

We can be relatively certain that he would have been familiar with the term NAIAD/NAIS and perhaps it was as simple as that?

His newborn daughter would be his little NAIS, his water nymph?

The God’s Laughing Time AGAIN:

Excerpt from Most Evil I (Dutton 2009)

Exhibit 4

June & George Hodel, Bush Street residence, San Francisco, circa 1997


        On the morning of June 2, 1999, my father’s widow, June, boarded the Neptune Society’s boat, Naiad, and powered out into San Francisco Bay. After passing under the Golden Gate Bridge, she scattered my father’s ashes in the waters off Point Bonita Cove. [1]


[1]   Though both the date of my father’s burial and the name of the boat that would transport his ashes were both random selections, I cannot help but wonder in amazement at the incredible synchronicity and how the Gods must be laughing. First the date. June 2nd happened to correspond to the birth date of Donatien Alphonse Francois de Sade, better known to the world as the Marquis de Sade. (June 2, 1740-December 2, 1814) The word sadism is named after this infamous French aristocrat, and is defined as: “ 1) sexual gratification gained through causing pain or degradation to others 2) any enjoyment in being cruel 3) extreme cruelty.” Dr. George Hodel copied Sade’s written funeral instructions to the letter, and his final order, found neatly typewritten and attached to his will, directed how his body was to be disposed. It read as follows: “TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: “I do not wish to have funeral services of any kind. There is to be no meeting or speeches or music and no gravestone or tablet. I direct that my physical remains be cremated and that my ashes be scattered over the ocean. There are several crematories in San Francisco which provide these services. If I die in a foreign country, cremation and scattering of my ashes may be carried out in that country, or the ashes may be shipped to San Francisco for disposition, with the choice to be made by my wife JUNE, or if she is unavailable, as the executor of my will shall decide. /s/ George Hill Hodel DATED: June 16, 1993.

Secondly, the name of the boat–The Naiad. Naiads, Naias, Nais, all three are the same word derived from Greek mythology. “Naiads or Nais were water nymphs, and the daughters of-ZEUS. They represented revenge for offenses and could lead an offender to madness.” (PandoraWordBox.com) George Hodel named his first born daughter (my half-sister)– Tamar Nais Hodel. Father chose the name Tamar after Robinson Jeffers 1925 poem TAMAR, a story of family incest. Fourteen years later, he would consummate the name with the act by having sexual intercourse with his teenage daughter, which resulted in his 1949 arrest and trial. Now we discover that father, a certified megalomaniac, had chosen to name his daughter just as Zeus did–NAIS a water nymph.  As I have noted so many times before in this personal Greek Tragedy, the Gods had to be laughing as the small craft NAIAD powered out under the Golden Gate bridge to escort George Hodel through the billowy waves to his suicide grave.



  1. Tami Marie Alexander on May 12, 2019 at 2:47 am

    Did George have any ties to Aleister Crowley, by any chance?

    • Steve Hodel on May 12, 2019 at 3:00 am

      Tami M A: Don’t know for sure. I doubt it, but he did have a friend/accomplice, Baron Harring who was friends with W.T. Smith, head of the Agape Lodge in Hollywood.
      I think that Baron Harringa who had an art gallery in DTLA was more of an intellectual buddy of Smith’s rather than a member of the church. He’s mentioned in
      the book, The Unknown God W.T. Smith and the Thelemites. All connected with Jack Parson, Crowley and the Pasadena group. I don’t think George Hodel was really into all that, but ????
      Baron Harringa was a longtime friend of George Hodel’s and is caught on the Secret DA Tapes at GHH’s home where the two are beating a woman in the basement. (Probable murder.) DA and LAPD are
      listening to the live recordings just five minutes away and take no action. No rescue. Unbelievable but true.

      • Tami on May 12, 2019 at 7:36 pm

        I read that re: the police listening as a screaming woman was murdered, and how if it had been you, you would have broken down the door (probable cause!). If a person is under investigation and wired for sound, you would think anything of that nature would be enough to rush in. Could GHH have had some folks on his personal payroll? I know I’m treading dangerous ground by bringing up the subject of police corruption to a retired detective, but we know it happens.

        In another reply to someone else’s comments about Crowley (which I saw after I made this initial post), I went into more depth of my own impressions of how these people could have used OTO and other “churches” as a smokescreen for their sadistic sexual practices.

        On a personal note, I want to commend you for your dedication to this matter. You were at the heart of something terrible, an innocent child (you do not look happy in the photo with your father), and it must have been horrific for you both growing up and discovering these things about your father. I am so sorry you had to endure those things but as someone who is also a survivor, I can see it made you stronger, and drove you to be a truthseeker. Thank you for all the work you have done, and continue to do, for these victims. Sadly, the people who committed the crimes against Elizabeth Short are gone and never faced justice for what they did to her, but at least you are helping to solve the mysteries.

      • Lucas Pickford on May 19, 2019 at 10:04 am

        Steve who exactly was Baron Harringa, how did he come to know GHH and was he out committing murders on his own ala Fred Sexton or was he just an accomplice ?

  2. Tami on May 12, 2019 at 7:40 pm

    If you rearrange the name “Tamar Nais,” you get “Samaritan.”

  3. Scott Harbison on May 14, 2019 at 8:37 pm

    Steve, I read your first book years ago and to be honest, I wasn’t convinced at the time Dr Hodel was the killer. Particularly suspect were the so called pictures of girl that were supposed to be Beth Short. However, the more I think about it, the more I’m now leaning towards your theory. I’m planning on re-reading your first book and will look into the others I haven’t read.

    Question for you: WHY after over 70 years, does the LAPD still redact parts of the crime file on this case? Surely all of the suspects are now deceased.

    • Steve Hodel on May 14, 2019 at 8:53 pm

      Scott H: Evidentiary wise we are literally Light Years beyond where we were from my first book published in 2004. (Four additional books have been published since then.) Regarding the photos, I personally eliminated one of the photos as not being Elizabeth Short, after I located and interviewed the individual, an actress/friend of my fathers. The second photograph has been subjected to state of the art facial recognition by a top biometric lab in Germany and the results are “95% positive it is Elizabeth Short” however, you need a “99.7% for positive identification. However, we don’t need the photograph as police reports hidden for fifty-three years reveal and document that George Hodel and Elizabeth Short were acquainted with each other prior to her murder. We also have hard physical evidence connecting items from the Hodel residence (cement sacks used to transport the body parts) to the actual crime scene in Liemert Park. Much more evidence in the subsequent books, but I’ll leave it at that for now. As to why LAPD continues to hold back evidence, mainly because they do not want to confirm the coverup by the powers that be back then. Chief William Parker and Chief of Detectives Thad Brown were and remain LAPD’s two greatest heroes and they don’t want to confirm they were involved in a coverup that allowed the killer to remain free and continue to go on killing. If you’re going to reread the book, suggest you start with the Black Dahlia Avenger (Skyhorse 2015 ed.) which has the updates. Regards, Steve

      • Scott Harbison on May 14, 2019 at 9:35 pm

        Thanks for your quick reply! I’ll certainly buy the updated book! Glad to know you’re continuing to investigate and update your findings. I have followed this case since I was a teenager. I’m 55 now and it still intrigues and haunts me, as it clearly does so many Americans. I understand what you’re saying about the LAPD, that makes sense. I thought there might also be knowledge your father may have had regarding some LAPD or LA government officials that had to do with prostitution or sexual events, maybe even some that took place at the Hodel home, thus keeping him from being pursued too strongly by LAPD. I can’t recall if there were indications he may have performed abortions at his clinic? Maybe he did that for a prominent LA official and that gave him some protection? I know I’m just speculating now.

        • Steve Hodel on May 14, 2019 at 9:54 pm

          Scott H: No, not speculating. There was all that too. Performing abortions, payoffs to police he was in fact UNTOUCHABLE. You will see in the updated version how it all comes together.

  4. Mick McAllister on August 12, 2019 at 4:07 pm

    Regarding “Nais”: The poem “Fauna” is about the seduction of a woman called Fauna, but that seduction is preceded by a sexually aggressive woman having intercourse with the narrator/poet and mocking him for idealizing Fauna. That other woman is called “Nais.”

    • Steve Hodel on August 12, 2019 at 4:38 pm

      Mick M:
      Quite right. Our father managed to namesake both from Jeffers separate poems, “Tamar” and “Fauna.”
      In so doing he was able to commit “literary incest” by naming her, Tamar Nais Hodel. He unites the two characters from Jeffer’s poems with himself by giving them his last name HODEL. Totally twisted.

      • Maddy D on October 7, 2020 at 1:05 am

        Hi just recently finished watching I am the night. I am curious did Fauna actually go out to LA in real life to find George and did she meet him ever?

        • Steve Hodel on October 7, 2020 at 7:10 am

          Maddy D:
          No, while I have not seen the I Am The Night miniseries, just the three-minute trailer, I can assure you that it is 95% FICTION. The Fauna portrayed in the film never met my father in life and never was at the Sowden/Franklin House during his lifetime. Also, the “suggestion” that she might have been his biological daughter if completely false. DNA has proven that to a certainty. See earlier blog HERE.

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