International Assn of Bloodstain Pattern Analysts 5-Day Conference Opens with Keynote Speaker "Black Dahlia 2017" Presentation- LASD, LAPD and San Diego Sheriffs Host Event
September 26, 2017
Redondo Beach, California
Steve Hodel invited as Keynote speaker to open the conference with “Black Dahlia and LA Lone Woman Murders” PowerPoint presentation to international blood pattern experts. Criminalists attended annual IABPA conference in Redondo Beach, California from as far away as Australia, Philippines, and Europe.
In February 2017, I was contacted by Ms. Cristina Gonzalez and asked if I would be willing to be the keynote speaker at the upcoming IABPA Conference, scheduled in late September. Ms. Gonzales is a Senior Criminalist for the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department Crime Lab and the Vice President of the Pacific Region for the International Association of Bloodstain Pattern Analysts.
Seen below (left) are IABPA President Jeff Scozzafava and Cristina Gonzalez, IABPA Vice President Region I, Pacific. Photos below (right) author/LAPD homicide detective (ret.) Steve Hodel giving keynote Black Dahlia presentation at Crown Plaza Hotel, in Redondo Beach, California before criminalists and law enforcement officer attendees.
The conference opened yesterday with a welcome by Redondo Chief of Police Keith Kauffman and the posting of the flag by the Redondo PD Color Guards followed by my hour-plus talk and Q&A. The IABPA conference will present experts primarily in the field of blood pattern recognition and DNA over the next four days and will conclude on Friday.
It was an honor to be asked to speak and present my updated investigation before the IABPA members and want to take this opportunity to personally thank them for their many forensic advancements in the field of blood pattern recognition.
Here is an excerpted introduction of me from the IABPA published program.