San Marino Library "Meet the Author Series" Black Dahlia Avenger II Talk- and the Ghost of Rudolph Schindler

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Thursday, February 27, 2014
San Marino, California

Presented my updated Black Dahlia Avenger II investigation last night at the San Marino Library.

Sixty-plus souls braved the threat of rain to turnout and hear and view my updated 2014 Black Dahlia Investigation PowerPoint presentation.

It was my first opportunity to publicly present the Sowden/House House Soil Analysis results, which confirmed both Cadaver dog Buster’s and the orginal 1950 DA/LAPD detectives’ suspicions that human remains might be buried “on or near the property.”

San Marino Library has a beautiful facility and I would recommend those of you that live in or near the area to check it out. See the below schedule of upcoming Events, which include several author talks on film legend, John Wayne and a  bus Field Trip on April 16, to Hollywood with a possible visit/drive-by of our former family home, the Sowden/Hodel residence. See details at:

san marino   upcoming








As a P.S. to my talk I presented the audience with a little known and recently discovered finding that related directly to their town- San Marino.
I discovered that my father contracted the well known architect, Rudolph Schindler to design some furniture for his 1940 residence. At that time he was leasing
a home at 1800 Huntington Drive, San Marino. The property was built in 1936, and was the San Marino Woman’s Club, which he apparently leased as his residence.
How ironic that 74-years later I would be asked to speak directly next door to my father’s former home–on the same property!  (See photos below)

Original Schindler diagrams for Hodel furniture are at the UC Santa Barbara Archives for the Schindler Papers.














  1. Marie Tsikopoulou on March 22, 2014 at 1:10 pm

    The Mayan Temple motif (VERY CHILLING) since the Mayans conducted human sacrifices. The Minotaur of Greek Mythology (VERY CHILLING)…destroyer of young maidens. Far 2 many coincidences here. I also noticed that the so-called Zodiac Killer wore a SQUARE Executioner’s hood (instead of the usual human-head (oval-shaped) worn. Square as in Minotaur head? All very strange. What makes me so deeply angry is that enough dirty people got away with their filthy corruption: everybody kept quiet an allowed all this to carry on instead of throwing a monkey-wrench in their CORRUPT, IMMORAL lifestyle. It boggles my mind how they all GOT AWAY (but maybe not…..I believe Dr. George Hodel was part Minotaur(BULL) and part BULLSHIT(his Dr. persona who covered for the EVIL within.) I have a lot of empathy for Tamar because I ALSO know another woman (who was molested by her so-called professional father.)

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