George Hill Hodel Handwriting in Evidence Room and Blog
Information Update-
This is simply a reminder that I have “dueling blogs” going on here at my website. General information will continue to be blogged here in the Squad Room Blog. Investigative updates pertaining to an evidentiary nature will be posted in the Evidence Room Blog. Also available in the Evidence Room are additional handwriting samples, maps, and forensics.
Below is a link to the latest entry in that room which presents 26 samples of George Hill Hodel’s handwriting and some observations and comparisons related to handwriting.
I would argue that the “D” that appears on the Wright (Hankow) letter is not similar to the letter “D” on the body of French. The “D” on the body has two vertical lines closing off the open end of the backward “C” which makes up the letter “D.” These two vertical lines are clearly visible in many of the posted photos of the body. I have never seen that anywhere else and certainly not in any of your father’s exemplars.