Former “Mind Hunter” FBI Profiler John Douglas in Contrite Admission Now Believes 1946 “Chicago Lipstick Killer” Bill Heirens Who Served 64 Years for Crimes Was Innocent on All Three Murders and Were He Alive Douglas Would So Testify Under Oath

March 24, 2024 Birch Bay, Washington Retired FBI “MindHunter” now agrees with Original Longtime Heirens Defender Dolores Kennedy that “Heiren’s was Innocent” In 2003 in Black Dahlia Avenger, in regards to psychological profiling in general and specifically in response to FBI Profiler John Douglas’ then profile of the 1947 killer of Elizabeth “Black Dahlia” Short,…

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Los Angeles’ 1943-1950 “Black Dahlia Avenger” and Lone Woman Serial Crimes Linkage to 1967-68 San Francisco “Zodiac” Serial Crimes–THE WHY

March 14, 2024 Birch Bay, Washington  Some Comments from Non-Readers of Author Steve Hodel’s Books: “According to Steve Hodel, his dad, George Hodel, started his serial murders as a teen and never stopped. He is now claiming his dad killed like fifty people in fifty years.” “Now he says his father is Zodiac. Where’s he…

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NY Newspaper Reporter Johanna Elattar Reviews The Black Dahlia Revisited on the 77th Anniversary of the Horrific Torture/Murder of Elizabeth Short

March 13, 2024 Birch Bay, Washington My apologies for my tardiness in blogging Johanna’s article summarizing my Elizabeth Short,  Black Dahlia investigation for its 77th Anniversary (January 15, 2024). It is always  personally rewarding when I discover a journalist who has actually read my books and writes with authority, as opposed to the smash-and-grab hack…

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1925 Los Angeles Library “Character Analysis In Photography” One-Man-Art Exhibit by then Eighteen-Year-Old Poet/Photographer George Hill Hodel

February 24, 2024 Birch Bay, Washington Self Portrait Artist/Poet George Hodel circa 1924 In December 1925 young George Hodel having just turned eighteen (18), had a one-man art exhibit which he termed “Character Analysis in Photography” which displayed his photographs in the DTLA Public Library in the Metropolitan Building, located at 5th and Broadway. GHH…

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A Thank You and Congrats to my Good Friend and Fellow Author and Longtime Editor, Robert J. Sadler-Retired Dallas Police Officer, Author, Poet, Photographer and All Around Good Guy

February 21, 2024 Birch Bay, Washington This morning I would like to take a moment to recognize the extraordinary skill and abilities of my good friend and fellow author, Robert J. Sadler. Robert and Friends Robert and I connected about fifteen ago online. Then I had a chance to meet him in person when he…

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The 1945-6 Chicago Lipstick Killer Murders; The Teen William Heirens Letters and the George Hodel Timeline

January 26, 2024 Birch Bay, Washington Note to Readers providing questions/responses in my Comment section. Since the inception of my blogging (2005) I have always welcomed and encouraged questions, comments, and constructive criticisms (“feedback method that provides specific actionable suggestions for improvement”) from readers. That said, of late, I have been receiving several rude and…

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David Thomson, Author, Film Critic-Historian Extraordinaire Thank You for Your New York Times Book Review of Black Dahlia Avenger and an EarlyHappy Birthday!

February 6, 2023 Birch Bay, Washington I want to wish author and film critic/historian David Thomson an early (February 18) HAPPY BIRTHDAY. (Turns out we are the same age, and David  is just eight months my senior.) I would also like to take the opportunity to thank and reprint his New York Times Book Review…

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Buster and the Black Dahlia: The Scent of Death-Soil at Sowden/Hodel House Positive for Human Remains-Confirm 1950 DA Investigators Report and Suspicions

January 20, 2024 Birch Bay, Washington In 1950 the original DA investigators suspected that Dr. George Hill Hodel may have buried victims’ bodies in the basement of the Sowden/Franklin House, where my investigation showed the original crime and surgical bisection occurred in 1947.  We know this from a police report I found in the secret…

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