Romayne Goldsmith the “Mystery Woman” and Member of the Hollywood Glitterati Who Owned and Sold the Sowden House in 1945 to Dr. George Hill Hodel

November 17, 2024
Birch Bay, Washington
I have recently been intrigued and trying to obtain background information on what I would call a bit of a “Mystery Woman.”
Ms. Goldsmith owned the Sowden/Franklin house in the early 1940s and would have sold it to my father, Dr. George Hill Hodel, in 1945.
From what little I have found, she was definitely part of the “Hollywood Film Set.” She was “secretary and script girl” to Wesley Ruggles, one of the top film directors in early Hollywood. Ruggles’s impressive filmology (directed over fifty films) began in the teens and resulted in an Oscar for Best Film, Cimarron (1931), starring Richard Dix and Irene Dunn. (It was the first Western to ever win a Best Picture.)
Other than the below-written article in the Christian Science Monitor written by Romayne in 1988, I have not been able to discover any additional references to this “mystery woman.”
Have to wonder, Did she know George Hodel?  Did she know Dorothy Huston Hodel, who, during the 1930s, was still married to film director John Huston?  What were the circumstances that caused GHH to buy the Sowden House from Ms. Goldsmith?
I doubt we will get any answers from eighty years ago, but I can’t help but wonder what role she may have played in the years before my father bought the home from her in 1945.
Recommend reading her interesting article, “Remembering What’s New” reprinted below.
Sowden/Franklin House
5121 Franklin Avenue, Hollywood, California
George Hill Hodel M.D. – Family Residence 1945-1950


Remembering what’s new

THE postman just brought the Los Angeles County Museum of Art Members’ Calendar, and with it came a host of old friends worth remembering. The film “I’m No Angel” was listed. … Wesley Ruggles was the director-producer of this film, and I was his executive secretary and dialogue director on the set. It was a circus story: the heroine, a beautiful, sparkling queen whose daring act kept the audience (and crew) rooted to whatever they could hang on to as she bravely placed her head in the jaws of a wild, ferocious lion. The queen had a handsome leading man whose name was Cary Grant. The largest stage in the studio became an authentic circus tent because Charlie Cook, former manager of a famous circus, was our technical adviser and production chief. It was off-season for the circus, and Charlie collected his old friends, clowns, little people, trapeze artists, animals – you name it. It was a joyous reunion for all of them. And it was paradise for me! I spent all of my spare time with the group. I really believe these folks are a special breed of simplicity, honesty, and irresistible joy. The studio was new to them, and the whole place was touched by our circus, inviting a childlike wonder as performers mingled with employees and stars became plain people. Gary Cooper, Carole Lombard, Claudette Colbert, Fred MacMurray, George Raft, were regular visitors.

And there was the handsome king of the beasts, Jackie, the star lion. He could be seen in the parkway between dressing room row and the executive buildings having his sun bath at noon, wrestling with his adored trainer. He took pleasure in roaring loudly at his appreciative and frightened audiences, and would have gladly followed any of them had he not been loosely roped to his trainer’s middle. Jackie was never caged – you see, he didn’t know he was a lion….

We always had the same crew on all Ruggles productions, and there was a warm, family atmosphere unknown to other studio units. Each person in this film is worthy of a story, but time and space do not permit. I must, however, include Anna Mae, the gigantic elephant upon whose back the queen made her entrance in an extravagant howdah. We became friends when Anna Mae helped herself to peanuts in the pocket of my chair, then placed her trunk gently in my hand, thus establishing “blood-brotherhood.” As a reward for our mutual understanding, the management presented me with a permanent pass to the old Los Angeles zoo, where Anna Mae lived. I visited her regularly (my mom was on the verge of a faint every time my big friend marched to meet me.)

I’ve worked closely with lots of stars, and many have become part of a remembering heart. One special friend was Cary Grant. He was a delight, with his delicious sense of humor. It so happened that the beautiful circus queen had a clause in her contract entitling her to contribute her ideas to the script. As these “contributions” became an almost daily occurrence, the leading man’s lines became slimmer. … It was my responsibility to acquaint him with the new words. This was only made easier for me by our little “private ceremony.” Elegant and suave, he’d reach my chair, hold out his hand, bow, wink, and in that voice millions have tried to imitate, begin: “What’s new, Miss Boo? Let’s get the show on the road.” He exhibited neither anger nor temperament and won the respect of the whole gang, who nominated him “the right guy.” With the preview, Paramount Pictures found themselves with a new star. He is so worth remembering!

Through the years, our paths divided. He skyrocketed to fame, and I entered a new profession. But Cary Grant did not exchange his own dear self for the person abundant success many times creates. Whenever we’d bump into each other – in a crowd, on posh Rodeo Drive, in a hardware store or parking lot – it was always yesterday. … Arms outstretched for that big hug, the wink, and “What’s new, Miss Boo?”

I’m No Angel trailer (1933)


Wesley Ruggles and Claudette Colbert stand in front of a caricature of the director.

Ruggles filmography 1917-1946

Romayne Goldsmith was the script girl and secretary to Ruggles on six of his films, including Cimarron (1931), the first Western ever to win the Academy Award for Best Picture.


November 19, 2024 Update on Romayne Goldsmith. Information provided by a longtime reader and blog friend, WT Solley.  Mucho Gras, Amigo!
Hi Steve,
I read your post re: Romayne Goldsmith and did a little snooping. Her sister, Leatrice, was married to Attorney and Philanthropist Leo Goodman. He apparently represented some high-end clients around Los Angeles and had offices in the Bankers Building in LA. He may have been the son of Leo Gordon, another L.A. Attorney involved in a land scandal in 1913. This Leo was also a City Commissioner. Leo, Romayne’s brother-in-law owned Record Searching Title Co., was a City of Hope Board Member, owned Agency Promotions, pal of Industrialist Morris Gluck, etc. He died in 1974.
Romayne’s sister, Leatrice, was a looker. She was involved in lots of civic activities, especially the Valley Chapter of the Women’s Division of the American Technion Society, Temple Beth Hillel, etc. She died in 1970. Not sure of her age, but she looked younger. The Goodman’s were rich. So rich that 2 parks are named after them: The Leo and Leatrice Goodman Park and Goodman Family Park. They also funded The Guardians Jewish Home for the Aged in Reseda.
Romayne was Wesley Ruggles assistant, as you mention, I think she went to Los Angeles High School and was in The Summer 1925 Glee Club. She was friends with Babette Virginia Kline who married Jerome Erlich in 1937. She had another sister in Detroit, Sylvia Parzen. She was active in local politics and actively supported Max Factor in his 1979 run for the Beverly Hills Board of Education and Annabelle Heiferman for Beverly Hills City Council in 1986. It appears she died in May of 1996. I found several interesting articles on her if you’d like me to forward them to you. It isn’t much, but I hope this helps. Your friend, Todd


  1. Eliza White Sawyer on November 17, 2024 at 2:21 pm

    I have to wonder how she could afford to buy and maintain such a large house on a script girl income. That is definitely mysterious to me.

    • Marina on November 22, 2024 at 1:50 pm

      Family money is one possibility. Her sister became very wealthy.

      • Steve Hodel on November 22, 2024 at 2:00 pm

        Yes, the family had two separate parks named after them in the L.A. area is my understanding. So lots of money there.

  2. Dennis Effle on November 17, 2024 at 2:54 pm

    Another character to add to the mix. Any union affiliation ? Other Real Estate holdings? Marriages? Good luck with this hunt..

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