Shame on the Los Angeles Times Non-Endorsement for Presidency Which = A Non-Endorsement for Democracy

October 23, 2024
Birch Bay, Washington

SKH Author Note:
The above article appeared this morning (October 23, 2024) in THE WRAP.
Today’s Los Angeles Times “non-endorsement” clearly is that newspaper’s new owner, Billionaire Patrick Soon-Shiong’s way of crossing his fingers in hopes of a big fat tax exemption if Trump wins without having to burn his bridges with Angelenos if Harris wins.
As a lifelong born and raised Angeleno who has loved the LAT for eight decades, I find it extremely sad to see that once great newspaper go up in Trumpian fears and flames.  Normally, I don’t have a problem with a newspaper abstaining from an endorsement, with one exception-this voting year. This year, it is not a normal race nor a normal vote for a particular candidate. This vote is for the preservation of our Democratic way of life. This vote is to preserve Democracy. No individual or newspaper should be on the fence and not endorsing America’s freedoms this November 5th.  Our country’s entire way of life is at stake.
As for the Los Angeles Times, which I have loved and befriended for so long, RIP, Old Friend.
LAPD Det.III Steve Hodel #11394, Hollywood Homicide Division (ret.)





  1. Dennis Effle on October 23, 2024 at 8:42 pm

    The LA Times was my paper of choice for decades. I didn’t always agree with the Chandler slant but they employed great writers. The new owner has no moral center this incidents like ke this prevail these days. I liked life better when the News was a public service and not a center for profits and ratings.

    • Steve Hodel on October 23, 2024 at 8:47 pm

      Dennis E:
      Exactly so, Dennis. I, too, had many disagreements with the staff reporters and suits positions, but they were well-researched, highly articulate, and thought-provoking. How lucky we are to have seen so much better as Old School mates. Well, keep the faith old friend. I’m sure at least half of the five million subscribers feel the same.

  2. Patricia ONeill on October 24, 2024 at 1:15 pm

    I remember a similar situation between the SF EXAMINER & SF CHRONICLE way back in the 40’s beginning I think in the 30’s when Jim Rolph, Republican, was Governor of CA. Old political resentments die hard…..the SF CHRONICLE was a “no no” subscription for many of my family, including mine. To this day I gravitate toward The Examiner when reading articles. Your Fcebk entry here just reminded me of that! My Dad was a Democrat, Grandpa Pat the staunch Republican! They’d fight like hell over issues then bear hug goodbye after arguing! Always enjoyed watching them! 🤗🌵

    • Steve Hodel on October 24, 2024 at 5:11 pm

      Patricia O:
      Yes, many (most) families are split down the middle on political affiliations.
      Most of my mother’s side (us three boys) were always Democrats and quite liberal.
      Other’s my mom’s brother, Uncle Gene and Duncan Hodel very Right Wing Republican.
      There will always be divisions like that. Go Dodgers!

  3. Patricia ONeill on October 24, 2024 at 8:50 pm

    👏👍……….rooting for the home team easier now that Joltin’ Joe DiMaggio gone from the NY YANKEES! My mom Lulu grew up , went to school, lived in same North Beach Italian neighborhood with the DiMaggio brothers! Somebody stop me…… I’ll be reminiscing about the Irish 🍀neighborhood ! 😄🌵

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