Author/Poet Jean Barrett Holloway Publishes Her Newest Book, KWAJALEIN ISLAND: How My Family Came to Live There and How the Big Bombs Came to Blow
March 14, 2023
Birch Bay,Washington
I just received word that my friend, poet/author Jean Barrett Holloway has published her new book, KWAJALEIN ISLAND: How My Family Came to Live There and How the Big Bombs Came to Blow.

Jean Barrett Holloway
I was fortunate to get to read a pre-published proof sometime back and here’s my blurb review on her book:
“This book reveals her many talents as: poet, family biographer, historian, psychologist, anthropologist, and environmentalist. The final result is nuclear…Highly Recommended Reading.” —Steve Hodel, New York Times bestselling author of Black Dahlia Avenger
Here’s a flyer from the publisher:
I met Jean Holloway Barrett about ten years ago in Los Angeles and she graciously allowed me to publish her Black Dahlia Museum: An Installation in Four Poems in my 2014 revision of Black Dahlia Avenger II. (Chapter 26-pages 441-447) Reproduced below.
Congratulations Jean on your most recent publication and wishing you and yours the best of health and happiness.
The Black Dahlia Museum: An Installation in Four Poems, is a graphically worded description of the artistic and surgical skills of Man Ray and George Hodel😱…..great writing! Jean Holloway’s childhood memories, education & work experiences when all combined, gave her the “pen & paintbrush” to vividly record her feelings. This vividness and color expressed in words is the real art of poetry, a skill (IMO) too easily brushed aside today in our general education.😞🌵