The Early Years: The Further Serial Crimes of George Hill Hodel M.D. Parts I & II Now Available in Print and eBooks
November 18, 2021
Los Angeles, California
Now Available in both Print and Ebook editions
The just-published two book editions of “The Early Years” completes retired LAPD Detective III Steve Hodel’s investigations into the further serial killings of his father, Dr. George Hill Hodel, presenting a crime spree spanning some fifty years. (1921-1969)
Click below to purchase
The Early Years Part I-1920s Paperback & Kindle
The Early Years Part II-1930s Paperback & Kindle
Complete series of murder investigations presented in eight books (2003-2021)
Hi Steve,. As usual I am late to the party. Happy birthday! I just placed my order for The Early Years Parts I & II. I’ll get them eventually and then I can read them. My copy of the True Confessions DVD is unfortunately packed away before my big move I’ll be sad to go, but my health drives my need to leave this “one horse town” for one where medical care will be more available. Thank you for your amazing due diligence & tenacity in this “hundred years” investigation. I think a good title for your books would have been Dreams of my Father, but that’s been used by a former president. The authorities really don’t want the truth to come out for all the reasons you’ve explained in your books. All the best!