Excerpt from George Hill Hodel: “The Early Years” Part II Chapter 7: Cyphers and Sigils and Calligrams Oh My!- New Zodiac/Hodel Signage Link Discovered!
November 8, 2021
Los Angeles
I thought I’d give my readers a little taste and a big “clew” to demonstrate how Dr. George Hill Hodel’s early years’ crimes tend to prove his future crimes and how his future crimes prove his past ones.
The following is an extract from Chapter 7 of Part II: -The 1930s. (Pages 348-353)
It is just one of the dozens of thoughtprints (albeit one of the most dramatic in linking his past to his future) that together prove our case. This one, lying in plain sight for fifty years, was discovered by my good friend, Robb Bindler, who is the director/film producer currently in production of adapting my series of books (BDA I, II, II, Most Evil I and II) into a documinseries hopefully to air in 2022.
Chapter 7 presents the potential linkage of the 1938 “Bud Lord” murder as a possible early Zodiac/Hodel crime.
Author Note- Whether the Lord murder was or was not committed by George Hodel has no impact on the newly discovered cracking of the sigil “clew” as shown below.)

Excerpt from The Early Years-1930s- pages 348-353
The Early Years Parts I and II are now available on Amazon click the links below to purchase:
So simple, so understated, so economical in design, that it went unnoticed for decades. A brilliant observation and deduction.
Kudos to the minds like Robb Bindler & Yves Person👍! It takes those puzzle-solvers to “see” the patterns we do not! Hence the armchair detectives take off & Oh what we see!😱. The crosshairs symbol takes on much more significance (to me) when added to his discreetly identifying himself! Not only is he sending a threat to the message receiver (or subject of the msg)……YOU’RE IN MY SITES…..but blatantly mocks the receiver by putting his name in plain sight! Couldn’t say it better…..CATCH ME IF YOU CAN!! The overwhelming anger of GHH is what propels him😓! And while our humanity urges one to feel some compassion for GHH, the bottom line is it must be confronted & exposed for all to see for safety’s sake!! And that is what you are doing, Steve………he’s not the only snake in the pit!! Glad to hear the docu-series coming in 2022…..much needed!👍😎🌵
These are also included in Early Years, Part 1.
I didn’t realize George Hodel committed suicide. I must’ve missed it or did you just discover this?
May not have been included in BDA I, I don’t recall? But, was included in later books.
Only know this from his wife, June, who he wrote R/Xs for and she saved up enough for a lethal dose then he was going to take them six months earlier, wrote the “goodbye note” then put it away as he got better. Then when things got worse he took the pills (Seconal) and June then found the note.
He had planned taking his life not because of any remorse, but because he worried that he would become more infirm and possibly paralyzed and the medical costs would eat up the savings meant for June who was half his age. So, he took the pills as a euthanasia measure.
Zodiac symbol on a murder victim in 1938 ?
Francois H:
Yep. And a potential, albeit circumstantial connection, to GHH. It’s a chapter in The Early Years-Part II-The 1930s.
That would make the zodiac killer at least 50 yo in 1968.
Francois H:
Yes, suggest you read my books Most Evil I and II. There were two additional composites made that show a much older Zodiac suspect. A man who appeared to be in his mid to late Forties as was described by SFPD patrol officer Fouke. Officer Fouke actually stopped and spoke with the suspect without realizing he was “Zodiac.”
Thank you for your answers and keep up your good work.
Steve – in reviewing Robb’s analysis of the Zodiac’s crosshairs symbol, I noticed a G and an r can
also be created. The capital G can be created from the large circle and the lower case r derived from the letter h that Robb found. That would mean the crosshairs can spell dr GeOrGe hOdel. Just my thought. Please let me know what you think. I read your first volume of the Early Years and it is very riveting. I hope you had a wonderful time celebrating your birthday. Edith
Edith V:
Possible, but the small r for George is a bit iffy. Since in his later Ogham cipher code he just used the five letters HODEL, kind of expect he may have done the same in this earlier one? But, good thinking. Thanks for the kind words. Steve
You’re very welcome, Steve. And thanks for your quick response! Best regards, Edith