THE EARLY YEARS: The Further Serial Crimes of George Hill Hodel M.D. Available Now on Amazon
November 3, 2021
Los Angeles, California

(Two Books- Part I and II)
Dear Friends and Readers:
After a twenty-two-year hiatus’ from my home in Bellingham, WA to investigate what would turn out to be my father’s serial crimes, I am about to move back to Bellingham.
When I moved to LA (where I was born and raised) from Bellingham after my father’s death in 1999, I was confident I would be able to quickly exonerate him from any suspicions of criminal activity or connection to the infamous “Black Dahlia” murder of Elizabeth Short in 1947. (Information first shockingly presented to me from my half-sister, Tamar, a week after his death in a transpacific call from Bellingham to Hawaii.)
I anticipated my investigative relocation, to prove my father had no connection to the crime, might last six months in LA then back to Bellingham, Washington.
That investigation is now in its 22nd year and has taken me one hundred eighty degrees in the opposite direction. (See Black Dahlia Avenger, Black Dahlia Avenger II and Black Dahlia Avenger III)
I uncovered proofs beyond doubt that my father, Dr. George Hill Hodel, was not just the psychopathic kidnap-torture-murderer of Elizabeth “Black Dahlia” Short, but a serial killer with a crime spree of twenty-four (24) additional murder victims spanning the twenty-years from 1943 to 1969.
Those investigations included linking my father to a dozen LA Lone Woman Murders, Chicago’s infamous “Lipstick Killer,” and Manila, Philippines infamous “Jigsaw Murder”.
Additionally, the evidence, which included two separate and long forgotten composite sketches, linked him as “a strong suspect” to the 1968-69 San Francisco Bay Area “Zodiac” murders and attempted murders (Most Evil Dutton Books 2009).
Then came the follow-up “cracking of the cipher,” proving he was “in fact” Zodiac as presented in (Most Evil II Rare Bird Books 2015.) That evidence included him signing his name to an authenticated Zodiac mailing and signing a sigil: H O D E L concealed as five ancient Celtic alphabet letters. (A second HODEL Zodiac sigil will be revealed in today’s publications of The Early Years.)
Three years ago, my investigation continued with the locating and writing of his 1938 double homicide near El Paso, Texas, In The Mesquite, unveiling the compelling evidence linking him to the kidnap/torture murders of mother/daughter, Nancy and Hazel Frome (Thoughtprint Press 2019.)
In the previous twenty years, I focused on providing the evidence that my father, Dr. George Hill Hodel, committed the twenty-four murders from 1943-1969, as documented in the six books shown above.
However, over the past two-plus years, my full-time focus has been spent going further back in time and investigating George Hill Hodel’s crimes from the Twenties and Thirties—HIS EARLY YEARS.
These early crimes are as shocking and sensational as his later ones and further, because of his consistency in using unique crime signatures: HIS FUTURE CRIMES PROVE HIS PAST, AND HIS PAST CRIMES PROVE HIS FUTURE ONES.
George Hodel started as a young teen (though not your average teen as he was just about to enter college), and he NEVER STOPPED.
THE EARLY YEARS unearths evidence linking GHH to another twenty-four crimes (murders and major felonies) leading up to the early 1940s.
Sadly, it is not hyperbolic to state that Dr. George Hill Hodel was one of the Most Evil criminal monsters that has ever walked the earth.
He was far worse than any of the arrested murderers I handled during my twenty-four years at LAPD Hollywood Homicide Division. (Including Rodney James Alcala, “The Dating Game Killer,” who I arrested for child rape/attempt murder in 1971. Though, admittedly, Alcala was right up there in the “Most Evil” category of rankings with GHH.)
George Hodel left in his wake immense death and destruction.
Though I have now uncovered and investigated the murders of forty-nine named victims, we know there were many more (like in the case of his fellow psychopath Alcala). Those unknown victims will, absent DNA, never be known or linked to him.
These then, are my final investigations, my final investigative revelations, offered to you for your review and understanding on this day, (three days before my eightieth birthday), as I plan to retire for the second time.
I believe the reluctant karmic role which was thrust upon me at the death of my father in 1999 IS NOW COMPLETE and proves the old adage: “truth is far stranger than fiction”.
As I press the “publish” button on The Early Years Parts I and II I will soon head north to spend my second retirement with family and a new puppy, which I will look for and find immediately after moving into my new digs.
Most Respectfully Yours,
Detective III Steve Hodel, #11394, LAPD Hollywood Homicide (ret. ret.)
E-book editions should be available ASAP hopefully by NOV 11th?
(448 pages) (438 pages)
Great news. Thanks for your good work.
Love that you keep investigating along with solving more and more murders. This means a lot to so many people.
Karen L:
Thanks Karen. Hopefully, these two books will end my search and I can start grazing up in beautiful Whatcom County. Cheers.
I can’t wait to read them!
Thank you for giving us gifts on your birthday!
These books sound both brilliant and disturbing. I’m sure even your most loyal fans will be completely shocked by all of the new evidence.
Now I’m counting down the hours until Saturday.
The 2 volumes are already listed on Amazon. Volume II is In Stock, Volume I is Currently Unavailable.
Both have the publication date November 2.
Karen H:
Thanks for the kind words. Yes, Vol. I is hopefully being fixed and will soon be online?
But, don’t read II before I. Don’t want to break the flow. *s*
Going to miss you, Steve!
Anthony S:
Hi Anthony. Same here buddy. Thanks for your lawyerly support through the years. Will keep in touch. Just changing roofs. S.
Hey Steve H–
Can’t wait to read your new books as I’ve often wondered about George H’s childhood and what it must have been like, especially his days at South Pasadena High School. When you spoke at your brilliant Author Nights at the South Pasadena Library I used to wonder if we had books that he’d read there or checked out. I’m really happy for you in getting to return to Bellingham to be closer to your family. It’s pretty cool that you are getting a puppy too. He or she will be one very lucky dog. Of course I will going to Damon’s and Casa Bianca with you, but will call you tomorrow to see if we can grab one more dinner. Could make it to Sherman Oaks if that would help. No matter what, Happy 80th Big Guy! Steve F.
Steve F:
Thanks buddy. You were the BEST So.Pasadena Library’s Librarian ever. So sorry to see you leave. Such a great supporter of my books and talks there. YOU made those talks happen. Let’s see how things unfold in the next week or so. Love to have lunch or dinner one more time. XO Steve H.
I Just placed my order. I’m so excited. Happy birthday & 2nd retirement. Thank you for all your hard work. 👮♂️And ✍️… 🤯. You are amazing. I’m married to a 👮♂️ 10 years 🤞🏼3rd wife🙄 🍀 lucky #3. He’s retiring soon😬. I’m gonna have to keep myself busy re-reading your books 🧘 I’ve enjoyed all of them . I Wish I could’ve received a signed copy. Or even better met you in person.
Salud🍻(to health)
Best wishes,
♥️Jackie 🤗
Congratulations, Steve! Thank you for all the hard work you did to tell the fascinating and disturbing story of your Father.
Kimberly D: Thanks, Kimberly. Definitely a man with a past FROM HELL. Sad. Very Sad.
Thanks, Steve. I can’t wait to read them.
In your second retirement, will you stop blogging entirely?
Hi Miles:
No, won’t get rid of me that easy. Will keep blogging and interacting with my friends and readers as I expect they will be helping me find new “thoughtprints” as in all my other publications. Some of the very best linkages have come from what my brother Mike of “Hour 25” used to call, “The Group Mind.” Plan to keep making this a “group effort.” Best, Steve
Glad to hear! Will continue “briefing” you on all I find in the Ben Hecht Papers!
Book One to be delivered this Saturday, Book Two next Sat.👍!! And a very Happy 80th to you Steve! The move to Bellingham, WA is the perfect setting for your retirement! You’ll be near family & the Pacific, hopefully without the CA traffic! Can’t get much better than that! You have commented several times in your writing over the years that you are “not as smart as GHH” but you are wrong, Steve. To overcome your childhood, MacLaren Hall, many betrayals by your father plus stepping up to aid your mother & brothers, sister Tamar shows great intelligence plus tremendous physical & moral strength. And you put all that into your LAPD career and a very successful writing career💪! No small feats, Steve! And to me, your books brought back many of my childhood experiences and SFPD in a new light, giving me much “food for thought”! If these new books in any way push for resolving Zodiac, and other horrific murders along our beloved CA coast, that is another triumph solely attributed to your hard work & persistance….. “the dog with a bone😉!” But you will see the real success has come with the “feathers in your cap”, Matt & Michael & the “jewels in your crown” Ella and Tucker! Live Long, Live Well, Steve Hodel!! 👍😎🌵
Patricia O:
Very kind Patricia.
Yes, you’re absolutely correct. A tarpit past, but not without a lot of great fun rollercoaster rides along the way. And what a wonderful future, knowing that my sons and grandchildren have and are growing into their own. And to go full circle and be back up there close to them before I exit stage right. (Or, maybe left?) Exciting times ahead.
Very well said….agree with every word you say, concerning Uncle Steve. Thank you! 😊I am so very proud of his character and desire for truth. ❤🥰
Thank you Fauna! After many years communicating with your Uncle Steve, can definitely add that both our families (I have 3children, 7 grandkids) would have “one helluva party” & fun fest!! 😉🥂💃🕺🏻🌵
I will miss you my Irish Twin, especially our breakfasts but glad you are heading to a peaceful place you love. Fortunately, Angel and I can catch a train that will take us within 20 miles of your abode, so let’s plan some visits! Love, your younger brother Kelvin
Kelvin and Angel H:
Yeh, gonna miss you two bigtime. Been great living “just across town” all these past two decades. Though the covid did knock down our “visits” lot more than we hoped/expected. Once I’m “moved in” up there do come visit for sure. Much Love to both of you. XO Steve
Steve – Thanks for the advance notice. I just ordered both books through Amazon. They should arrive by November 7. Can’t wait to read them. Congratulations on your retirement and happy pre-birthday!! Best wishes to you. Edith
Edith V:
Thanks Edith. Much appreciated. Very best to you and yours. Steve
What a difficult endeavor you have taken on and I so appreciate your hard work. I wish you the best in your 2nd retirement. Go in peace!
Dawn G:
Thanks Dawn, much appreciate the kind thoughts. Steve
This is such exciting news! I have been eagerly awaiting the publication of your next investigation. Just ordered both copies and will begin reading when they arrive on Sunday! Thank you Steve and God bless on your move!
Derek W:
Thanks for being such a loyal reader all these years Derek. Much appreciated. And will remain active on my blog, just a different roof and a new puppy. *s* Best, Steve
So excited to read these book-been waiting for their release! I have the utmost respect and admiration for you, Steve, as an author and a human being. You’ve uncovered and come to terms with a very unkind past and have had to think things about your father that most of us have never had to think about. You’ve not only risen above all that but you’ve shared it all with the world. Your nieces have done the same and you are all so brave so I thank you for “putting it out there” for all of us! I’m glad you will continue to blog as I really enjoy your writing. Enjoy your second retirement and have a very Happy Birthday my friend! You deserve nothing but the best!
Julie M:
Very kind of you. Will definitely be keeping in touch with my friends and readers through my blog and keep you updated as to any new discoveries or fact finds. Thanks for your loyalty and support these many years. Steve
Thanks Steve, I communicated with you shortly after your first book came out and I’ve been following your work ever since. I admire your perseverance in taking on the difficult task of investigating your father and his heinous crimes. I’m not sure even the best of us could have accomplished what you have.
Congratulations on your retirement and good luck in your future endeavors
Walt S.
Thanks Walt. Much appreciated. Been one hell of an “ongoing investigation” for sure. Feel very complete now with The Early Years done and out there. Even beats getting “a gold watch.” Thank YOU for your many years of service to the citizens of Detroit. Enjoy your hard-earned retirement. Steve
Mr. Hodel, Happy Birthday! I am getting ready to order the two new books, and realized that I have borrowed out the others! So I will be placing a rather large order here soon! You have been such a pleasure to not only follow, but to read your works and to see you whenever you are on tv and such. Much happiness on your return to the Northwest! Deb
Debra B:
Thanks Debra. Much appreciated.
Best Wishes to you and yours. Here’s a link below to the eight-book series and suggested reading order. These are the latest/updated editions. Steve
Enjoy your well earned retirement Steve.
That’s an exciting journey. Coincidentally, I’m also in the Pacific Northwest in Richmond, BC, less than an hour drive north from Bellingham, WA.
After finishing the 2 new volumes I can’t help thinking:
Even when considering all the graft, incompetence, witness intimidation/disappearance, and payoffs…etc…etc
GHH’s guardian “devils” (they sure as hell weren’t angels!) always ‘rolled a 7’ when he needed it. He always got away with it. He always got greasy and slithered outta the trap. Often letting some poor sap pay for HIS (GHH’s) evil deeds.
At least until Steve figured him out.
Brian W:
All true Brian. Look how many times in “The Early Years” they had him ID’d and did not pursue it.
What is so terrible is that had they done their job there would be no future crimes. So much blood on LE hands from those “Bad Old Days” and their inactions make them culpable and responsible for the many victims through the decades. So tragic. Of course, had they done their job there would have been no “Steve”, but that would have been fine with me.
All best to you and yours.
Awwwwww ok!
If ya gotta go……..
Thank you for being such a part of my Los Angeles history. You have done Elizabeth Short proud.
We love you!
Jo G:
Thanks Jo. Much appreciated. Hey, I’m just changing roofs really. Same blogsite, same fingers at the keyboard, same open line of communication with my friends and readers. Stay tuned. More to come.
I’ve read all your books and I’ve been following your blog for years. So excited to see your new books are out and will be ordering them. Bellingham Washington is awesome! It’s where I hope to live someday. All the best wishes for your retirement! Thanks for all you’ve done to bring truth and justice.
Thanks Em, but I promise you I am not planning to “go quietly into the good night.” Will be continuing my blogs and interaction with my readers and then more to come in 2022 with the docu miniseries and ??? Best, Steve