Dorothy Harvey (Huston/Hodel) Short Story Published in Her 1921 LA Franklin HS Yearbook
July 16, 2020
Los Angeles, California
Below is a short story that was written by my mother, Dorothy Harvey, (just a few years before marrying her first husband, John Huston) and published in her high school yearbook (Benjamin Franklin HS, Los Angeles, California) in 1921, when she was just sixteen. She would also star in the HS play the following year, which if I recall correctly was MEDEA by Euripides. (Hmmm)

Dorothy Harvey yearbook story age 16 Dorothy Jeanne Harvey age 19

Benjamin Franklin HS, Los Angeles CA
Star Dust and Rent Money
So well written! Enjoyable and compelling.
Debbie S: Yes, so talented and so much promise. Sad that her life was so tragic. Below link is a bio I wrote on her some time back.
Steve, both Your parents had an abundance of smarts, good looks, talent plus living and growing up in California….. life could not get much better than that, right?! Unfortunately as so many of us have learned, the “good life” is not easily achieved or maintained in the Garden of Eden (or is that Evil!). For many, the line “You can checkout anytime you like, but you can never leave!” becomes the frightening reality for so many! The brunt of the horrors perpetrated upon so many women by GHH fell heavily upon your mother at a very young age and as she valiantly tried to care for and raise three boys!! Dorothy Hodel rode out her storm, finished her race and imparted gifts of intelligence, empathy and tremendous courage to her sons! Rest in peace, Dorothy…….by God you earned it!! 👍👌
Patricia O:
Thank you Patricia. All true.
How ironic that Dorothy Harvey Huston Hodel would be “the source” and bear forth the fruit that would be GHH’s ultimate undoing. That makes her the ultimate heroine of this story and The House Of Hodel. In retrospect, have to love hearing the God’s laughing long and loudly. Stay tuned, much more to come in “The Early Years” as each week seems to reveal more “thoughtprints” that connect so much of the long ago to the “Now”.
Steve: I have a feeling this hope-to-get-rich-quick “Rose” might have put in another literary appearance a few years later. -LW
Ya think?