UNRRA “Lieutenant General” Dr. George Hill Hodel’s 1946 Post-WWII Personal Journal “THE CHINA LETTER” Publishes on the 73rd Anniversary of his 1947 LA Kidnap/Torture Murder of Elizabeth “Black Dahlia” Short.
January 10, 2020
Los Angeles, California
(Jan 15th is the 73rd Anniversary of Elizabeth “Black Dahlia” Short Murder)

THE CHINA LETTER by Dr. George Hill Hodel Click Photo to Enlarge (Intro/Afterword by Steve Hodel)
UNRRA Lieutenant General George Hill Hodel, M.D. was, (during his time in Hankow and the nearby
provinces), the senior UN medical arbiter whose diagnosis literally placed the power of life and
death in his hands.
Those who have read my blogs and my books know of my father’s many crimes and may rightly
wonder how he handled this ‘life and death’ power in 1946 China.
In striking contrast to what you already know about Dr. Hodel, his CHINA LETTER was written
by the other half of my father’s JEKYLL AND HYDE personality—The “Good Dr. Jekyll,” the
physician and healer who followed his Hippocratic Oath.
Is that what Lt. Gen. Hodel did? Read his CHINA LETTER and find out.
SKH Note-
The CHINA LETTER is non-fiction and is categorized as WWII- Military History. It is Dr. George Hill Hodel’s first-person journal describing his “boots on the ground” look at events and conditions during his UNRRA service in Hankow and the nearby provinces in the months following the end of WWII.
This book does not present any new crimes or examine any additional evidence linking my father to old or new serial murders.
The China Letter by Dr. George Hill Hodel print edition available at Amazon for $14.99
Click on photo to order a copy
The China Letter by Dr. George Hill Hodel
Can’t wait to read this one. I’m sure it will give more understanding of the duality of your father’s nature as well as provide historical background as to his demigod role in UNRRA.
I have to admit that I’m not coming into this with an open mind as the specter of his activities of smuggling oriental art treasures out of china and into his personal collection stateside hangs heavy on my mind before cracking the spine on this one.
This provides another layer to the complexity of George Hill Hodel’s character and a glimpse into the other side his personality; the one he often used to charm the world as well as the one he built his professional credentials on.
Your work on this man, his physiological make up and the murderer he became as an a vant garde artist using other forms of art as his inspiration is beyond comparison in modern crime literature!
Dennis E:
Hi Dennis.
Yes, you are correct. The fact that it was written by him and is his own words, describing his movements immediately after WWII does give us a much better glimpse into his intellect and personality. Certainly, in his writings, there is no lack of the personal “I” and the length of his “China Letter” gives us a much better ear for “his voice.” (Up until this publication the most we had was his mystical/metaphysical letter to me of “The Parable of the Sparrows.” Thanks for the kind words. Much appreciated. Best, Steve
Steve H—As one who has read all your books with great interest and gusto, I look forward to The China Letter. Enjoyed In the Mesquite last year, and was convinced your diabolical father would jump at the chance to commit a heinous murder if he thought he could get away with it undetected and could confound the cops at the same time. Eager to see how he handles a seemingly straight and narrow extended writing piece. Best wishes on your latest. Steve Fj
Thanks Steve F. Much appreciated. Sure miss your outstanding service to the community as the South Pasadena Librarian for so many years. Hope you’re enjoying life after it, WE SURE MISS YOU. Yes, “The China Letter” though it contains no “new linkage to crimes” still gives us a fascinating and extended listen to his voice from “Lt. General” in post war China for a year. Best, Steve H.
Any chance GHH was the Phantom Killer of Texarkana Feb 22, 1946 – May 3, 1946? This would have been immediately after the lipstick murders in Chicago. They are eerily similar to the Zodiak. Murderer never caught. Maybe GHH was in China at this time?
All indications are that GHH was in China during those killings. He did apparently have a short “Leave of absence” but no further info and probably would have been for just a short period of time, maybe a week or less? So, pretty sure he has an alibi for those crimes. Best, Steve