Archive for June 2010
Jack Egger, 1949 Black Dahlia DA Investigator, BHPD Police Captain, Chief Investigator for Warner Bros. Security, Dies
Career law-enforcement investigator, Jack Egger was one of the last witnesses to see Elizabeth “Black Dahlia” Short alive. In 2003 Egger, then Chief Investigator for Warner Bros. Studio, positively identified a photograph of Dr. George Hill Hodel as being the man who was with Elizabeth Short and escorted her to a CBS radio show in Hollywood, just days before…
Read MoreMichael Hodel Visits his father, Dr. George Hill Hodel – Manila 1964
In 1964, brother Mike took our dad up on an invitation to visit him in the Far East with the prospect of possibly coming to work for him at his company, INRA-ASIA. (International Research Associates-Asia). Mike visited dad for several weeks and toured the offices in Tokyo, Hong Kong, and Manila. (Mike passed on the offer…
Read MoreJune 15, 2010- Begin Writing Book III
June 15, 2010, Los Angeles Today I “officially” start work and writing on BOOK III. John Huston as Noah Cross in Chinatown Thought for the Day:
Read MoreGrandfather Harvey- Hollywood High School Printing Instructor 1928-1941
(SKH NOTE- Below blog updated 6.10.2010 See additional entries bottom paragraphs.) FROM PRINTER TO POOKA Hollywood, California Thanks to some old fashioned gumshoe sleuthing by my brother, Kelvin and his wife, Angel, (with perhaps a little unseen help from “Harvey” the invisible rabbit and pooka extraordinaire) we now have some new information and photos to add to…
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